This is Foresco....
Forest Companies Ltd. was formed in 2001 with a simple mission in mind: to provide a new, client-focused service to the packaging world.
This fundamental idea has helped guide us through the last two decades. Our constant dedication to our clients means that we have developed a deep-rooted knowledge of all their requirements. We have gained these hard-won insights by regularly visiting our customers – wherever in the world they might be – in order to fully understand how their businesses operate.

"Forest Companies is more than a trading company. We see our role as bringing tailored solutions to challenging environments. With our strong technical expertise, an understanding of both client and supplier, we are able to create the perfect relationship between mill and customer"
Head of International Sales Dominic Mylne

With over 20 years experience in the packaging field, we are able to recommend effective solutions that are tailored to our clients' particular circumstances. At the forefront of our thinking is their performance and success in their chosen market. We have the necessary tools to help them develop a cutting-edge: a strong understanding of local markets, relevant products, and the competition.
We constantly strive to be the most competitive in our field; we are always mindful, as a result, of providing the most cost-efficient services to the customer.

We are able to identify, and then isolate, significant trends in the packaging world. This means that we have an insider's understanding of the market cycle from which our customers benefit.
Our unparalleled experience in logistics means delivering on time and building shipment programs that allow for tight inventory-control. You will feel safe and secure in the hands of our administrative team who will guide you through the import / export maze to ensure your product arrives in prime condition.